Saturday, January 17, 2009

Road Trip Part IV

End of December to New Years
We forgot to take any pictures over Christmas I have realized... Chicago was great to spend with both our families, and new & old friends. One night we hung with Chris and Megan from Washington state and our PT classmate Dr. Apu (the legend). The night was a blur and so is this picture. It was the shizzle!

We set off for our destination of the Insight Bowl where KU trounced Minnesota. Our first stop was Lawrence, Kansas, Megan's alma mater. Here's Goose and Meg @ the union.

Two more days of driving brought us through Oklahoma, Texas & New Mexico to the warmth of Arizona. We met up with Nany, Boppy, Meg's cousin Aaron and his wife Margo, and the infamous Jordan. Pre-game we got tans and BBQ'd with the band and Crimson Girls. The bassline was serious. Check out those burns! Sick!

Meg and Nan-Bop, enjoying the lead.

Warm ups. Briscoe had a great game in a beating Minnesota won't soon forget. Long drive home to think about it too.

Smelling, tasting and feeling victory. Two bowls in two years with wins. Were any basketball players on the roster?

So the next job we had lined up was in Farmington, New Mexico and we did not have licenses in that state. We killed sweet time in paradise playing some golf, finding breweries and checking out Saguaro National Park with Nanny and Boppy.

We missed the Midwest cold after a week or so, so we drove 3 hours north to Arizona Snowbowl in Flagstaff. It was a great way to start the ski season.

Mustard is free @ ski resorts... And water. Eat it while it is still free.

The peak of Snowbowl is @ 11,500 feet . This sign says, "Highest toilet in Arizona." It was closed....

Monday, January 12, 2009


December 19th, 2008

We'll miss living in Waupaca and working with such an awesome crew in New London. We made the most out of our final weeks in Wisconsin. Here is our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree as advertised roadside for $7. I pushed the cash through snow on a wooden lock box. Smaller IS better.

Spencer Lake now frozen... mostly. Goose and I are contemplating our earlier canoe voyages.

Meg trying to keep warm at the Packers vs. Texans. Game time temp was 7* F.

Our last night in Wisconsin we found the Iola Winter Sports Club. This 100 year old club has aa 30m and 60m ski jump that was being groomed. We opted for their cross country skiing trails that were lit up. They had not groomed since the recent snow storm, so Goose was allowed (to hunt).