Pre New Years and News Years Day, 2008The only highlight before New Years Day was stopping in Chico, CA at the Mecca of microbreweries. Here I am paying homage to one of my favorites. Non-beer drinkers just scroll down.
Check out the size of this Redwood base. "Awe" is the only adjective to describe it. This was the best New Years Day I have ever had. Goose and Megan too, fo sho......

This one was hit by lightening and burned from the inside. It fits a Megan (and a baker's dozen of circus clowns) inside


Megan, between twins.

The Redwood Coast. There must have been a divine creator. Touching this beauty will increase your faith. Or look it up in the Bible. I recommend seeing it for yourself.

Same game, similar stick, totally different beach from the 3rd coast to the West Coast. Goose at our first contact with the Pacific Ocean, the mouth of the Wilson Creek. She drank salt water and was unsure of any water she came into contact with after that.
Want another video? Here is an insight on how we do it on the road...