October 2, 2008
The Potter & Isaak crew (minus one Canadian) arrived on Thursday night

after a long drive from the Mitten, through Aurora, to the Dairyland. We took the shorties out on the canoe in slightly oversized life vests. They paddled with their hands and played with sand from the lake floor.
On Saturday we hiked at Hartman Creek State Park... Goose showed her cousin Gracie all the deer and squirrel spots, and we searched for signs of animals. No scat on the trail, but we did find grass laid down from deer.

This Pitbull does not wear lipstick. Gracie rocks pontoons and eats Democrats.
Captain Cole at the helm!!! Look out!!!
Lt. Liner at the helm!!! Look out again!!!

Uncle Jon caught a bass. We thought it was just stuck in weeds.

We celebrated Cole's 4th birthday later that night with a bonfire, BBQ, and cake.

We finished the night with a nice story and roughed it with some camping.